Saturday, March 31, 2012

ShopRite Specials for 3/19/12 - 4/15/12

Here are two specials this week at our local ShopRite :
Check out the add on-line

Catalina with Price Plus Card:
2 Glade PlugIns Scented Oil Twin Refills, Get $1.00 coupon for use on your next trip.
On Sale:
Prime Rib $4.99 a pound with Price Plus Card
Check out there Promotion Page for downloading coupons to your card, printing them out and don't forget to check out cellfire.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Brown Crochet Hook Case.....

Sister to the Knitting Needle Case, a crochet hook case.

Check it out, it is made and ready to ship.  Click Here

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Having a Sunday Sale in My Shop

Going to start off this Sunday with Sale!  To receive 10% just type in Google10 and you'll recieve 10% off your order.  Have a great day and stop on by.  Click Here for Link

Crochet Hook Case $10.00

Cosmetic Case $6.00

Coupon Bag $15.50

Friday, March 23, 2012

Crochet Hook Case or Holder

I made a new crochet hook case or holder out of this lovely Spring print.  It's available in our shop and ready to ship.  Click here for link.  Have a nice Friday :)

Culinary Tip # 6 Breading Chicken or Pork Chops or Meats in general

How to Make a 3 Stage Breading Station:

Make a 3 stage breading station.  What is that you ask?  It is taking what ever you are going to bread through 3 stages of breading.  Place defrosted meat on a plate to have it ready for breading.

The first stage is the flour stage.  Take your flour and season it with salt and pepper.  I like to add garlic and granulated onion to meats like chicken for instance and stir that into my flour.
The second stage is egg wash.  Crack your eggs in a bowl and add milk or water to them. 

The third stage is your breading.  You can take bread crumbs, panko crumbs, or cracker crumbs and bread your item. 

Now the process for this is to take your meat place it in the flour (known as dredging) flip shake off excess and then dip in the egg same as flour and then dip in your breading same as flour.  Place your meat in a medium hot frying pan that is lightly coated with oil or butter.  DO NOT Have your frying pan too high or it will burn the outside of the meat not brown it.  Then put in a pan to finish in the oven.  Amounts of flour, egg wash and breading depend on the amount of meat you are cooking.

How do you bread your items?  Did you ever make homemade onion rings?  What tips would you like to find out or learn about?  Send me an email and let me know. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crochet Hook Organizer Bright Pink Floral

This New Addition to my organizers is a Bright Festive Pink Crochet Hook Case or Hair Pin Case.
Available in my shop.  Check it out! 
Here's the link

Monday, March 19, 2012

Culinary Tip #5 Storing Boneless Chicken

Taking Boneless Chicken Breasts and storing them
For boneless chicken -

Boneless chicken breasts

Trim excess fat off chicken and flip chicken over

Cut Tenderloin off

Now you have the large chicken breast and a tenderloin

Because this chicken meat was so large we split them into two known as butterflying them

Now you have 2 pieces of chicken

Now I take the chicken breasts and put them in individual bags and then place them in a freezer bag.  If I plan to use the chicken soon, I may throw Italian dressing on it and put it in a freezer bag.  I only do that if the chicken isn't going to be frozen to long. 

How do you store your chicken for freezing?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Newest Knitting Needle Cases

I just created this brown case that can be used for knitting needles or paint brushes.  I just wanted to share these so I thought I'd do a post about them.  Have something hand made you'd like to share?  Let me know and we'll see what we can do.  Hand made items are so neat and have alot of time and effort put in to them.  Enjoy your evening and stop by my shop.

Here's the link

Free Ebook from American Family and Breakfast Coupons and More

Here are some great coupons available, just click on the links below and enter your zip
for all the savings available for you.

  • Coupons For Breakfast Products
  • Savings On Health & Wellness Items
  • Great Savings For Every Woman
  • Coupons For Lots Of Glade Products
  • Coupons For Personal Care Items

  • Also if you register with American Family you can download a free Ebook of chocolate
    brownie recipe book.  Click here for link

    Friday, March 16, 2012

    Storing Tip # 4 Lemons, Oranges, Limes & Egg Whites

    Storing Tip #3 Lemons, Oranges, Limes & Egg Whites

    If you have lemons, Oranges or limes and they won't save to leave them in the refrigerator, here is a way to save the juice and rind - first grate the outer rind off (so if you need zest you have it) and place that in baggies and then in a larger freezer bag and freeze.  Now juice the lemons for example, strain out any seeds.   I place it in ice cube trays and freeze it. Then Place the cubes in a freezer container and defrost them when I ready to use them.   Now if you use alot of egg yolks and have egg whites left over then, you can freeze them to BUT I would use containers that you can clean thoroughly so its not contaminated by the eggs.   Always remember to label your containers with the amount you have in it.  Now when you need juice or egg whites just pull out the amount you need and let defrost. These are tips my Mother taught me and I find very handy.

    Wednesday, March 14, 2012

    Kelloggs coupons

    If you sign up with Kelloggs, they will send you coupons right to your email.
    Click here for link

    Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    Cellfire Coupons Available

    Do you know about Cellfire?  Basically how it works is you sign-up for your participating grocery store and download coupons to your card.  What is good is as long as I can remember, I was always able to download a coupon AND use a paper coupon in the store.  That is double the savings which is great.  Here are some of the available coupons for ShopRite my favorite grocery store!  There are other stores that participate and they email you once you are signed up.
    Click here for link.  There is a button on my blog for easy access anytime

    Fiber One® Bars
    Pillsbury® Refrigerated Grands!

    Sunday, March 11, 2012

    Culinary Tip for Fresh Onions & Peppers

    So yesterday I discovered a new produce place in our area.  I could not believe the prices so I got onions and peppers along with a lot of other fresh vegetables.  So you can guess we had an indoor picnic last night, lol.  Yes, I pulled out a pack of the hot dogs and it was great.  Okay back to the Culinary tip if you buy alot of peppers or onions and can't use them at one time here is a way to store them.  Think of how you use them, now what I do is clean the peppers and onions.  Then I take them and cut them in strips and put them in separate sandwich bags and then put them in a freezer bag and freeze them. I do the same thing for onions and this works out well.  They will get soft being frozen and are fine for cooking them.  If your having sausage and peppers & onions.  Just brown your sausage and put it in a pan, and top with the amount of onions and peppers you need.  I use them for fajitas, sausage & peppers, soup wherever you need onions and/or peppers your going to cook.  Its a great way to have peppers and/or onions ready for cooking.  I cut them in strips because I find it an easy size to use.  You can dice them or use them as is. 
    ***Note Freeze the onions & peppers separately and no need to blanch cook them.

    Saturday, March 10, 2012

    Kingsford Charcoal, BBQ Sauce & More

    Kingsford Charcoal Coupon with Purchase of Meat Click Here for Link $2.00 off meat with purchase of Kingsford

    Garnier Fructose Shampoo Coupon
    Click Here for Link $0.75 off ONE (1) GARNIER FRUCTIS SHAMPOO

    Glad Bags Coupon
    Click Here for Link

    $1.00 off two GLAD Food Storage products

    Friday, March 9, 2012

    Pampers Coupons from

    Need Pampers & Baby Wipes? has these coupons
     available coupons are available to print

    $1.50 off ONE Pampers Cruisers or Baby Dry Diapers
    $1.50 off ONE Pampers Swaddlers Diapers
    $0.75 off ONE Pampers Wipes 60 ct or larger

    Thursday, March 8, 2012

    Another New Culinary Tip for Storing Bulk Foods

    So last week I caught a sale at our local wholesale store and bought Corn Dogs and Hot Dogs.  Now, I like to have hot dogs, hamburgers and other items on hand once the temperatures start warming up.  I am big on quick grill meals and will share more as the season changes but back to the hot dogs.  So I have a 5 lb pack of hot dogs and what I do is put them in bags and seal them.  Now I have multiple meals ready for when I want throw together a quick meal.  I store frozen items in basically two ways

     1. The first way is:  I ask myself how long do I plan on having it in the freezer?  For instance, hot dogs, roasts, corn dogs, pork, are a few examples that I use over time.  So those items I seal with my sealer see the pics of the hot dogs.  I pack them in packages that I can just pull out for a meal

    2. Now for other items like plain chicken, ground beef, for example that aren't in the freezer long I use this second method: I put them in individual baggies and then in a larger freezer bag to keep them from getting freezer burnt.  I use this second method for flour, brown sugar that I spoke of in my first set of Culinary Tips.  Sometimes when you put items in the freezer that are going to stay in there for a while but really can't be sealed just put them in a Freezer Tight bag so it doesn't pick up the taste or smell of your freezer.  It makes an outer layer of protection for your food. Nothing is worse then saving money on an item only to have it freezer burnt. 

    This is just another way to put your savings to work.  What methods do you use? 

    Wednesday, March 7, 2012

    So I gave our Blog a Spring Clean-Up

    So I gave our blog a Spring CleanUp, what do you think of it?  I plan on blogging more with not just coupons & freebies but more Culinary tips with helpful ideas and home saving ideas.  You are all welcome to share your thoughts.  I am currently working on a Free Coupon Tip Book that you can download and gain some more grocery saving tips.  Its in the works and will be available for those signed up by email as a free download.  So let me know what you think and have a great evening.

    Pillsbury & Yoplait Yogurt Coupons from

    Tablespoon is offering Pillsbury & yoplait yogurt coupons to print you have to join
    then the coupons are delivered right to your inbox.  They also have
    alot of recipes.
    Click Here for Link

    SAVE $0.40
    $0.40 off three Pillsbury Crescent Dinner Rolls

    SAVE $0.40
    $0.40 off six Yoplait Yogurts

    Tuesday, March 6, 2012

    Do you like Fudge?

    Here is a coupon from the Fudge Kitchen at the Jersey Shore
    Extra 10% OFF if you use the discount code 317.
    Offer only vaild until Midnight on Wednesday March 7th, 2012.
    We ship anywhere in the world!
    Call Us at 1-800-23-FUDGE

    They have awesome fudge!  Click Here for the Link

    Use the discount code 317 for 10% off your order
    We ship anywhere in the world!
    Call Us at 1-800-23-FUDGE
    Salt Water Taffy

    Salt Water Taffy


    Wisk Detergent & Reach Toothbrushes Coupons

    New Coupons from

    $1.00 off Wisk Deep Clean™

    $2.00 off any two (2) REACH Toothbrushes

    Monday, March 5, 2012

    Cascade Coupons, Duracell Coupons from P&G

    P&G not only sends out coupons in the Sunday paper once a month, they will also send out free samples if you sign up to their program.  Right now they have Cascade Coupons, Duracell Battery Coupons available as well as a few others.  Just click what ones you want and they mail them right
    to you.  Click Here for link.

    Sunday, March 4, 2012

    Free Recipe Book listed on

    Check out this list of Freebies from
    Click Here for Link

    You can sign-up for their email listing of Freebies and have them sent directly to you.
    I've downloaded free music and coupons from there.
    They send out emails all the time.

    Saturday, March 3, 2012

    New Culinary Tips from Country Crafting

    Here is a tip for storing some bulk store items that you purchase with all those coupons and savings?  Have a tip you'd like to share just shoot us a email and we'll share it with everyone.  That's a great way for everyone to help each other.  More tips to come, Have a wonderful day!
    Click Here for Link

    Coming soon a New look For Coupon Pickings...

    Coming soon we are going to give Coupon Picking by Country Crafting a New Fresh Look.
    Sign-up for RSS Feed or Email and have the posts delivered right to your in-box.  Time for
    Spring cleaning in many ways.  Have some tips you'd like to share?  Shoot us an email and we'll
    share it with everyone.  Its a great for everyone to pick up savings or tips.
    Enjoy your weekend and thank you for stopping bye!

    Kellogs Fruit Loops Coupon

    Sign up with Kelloggs and they will deliver coupons right to your in box.
    Click here for Kelloggs Coupon

    Friday, March 2, 2012

    Milk Coupon

    Go to Facebook and like Milk Mustache and print coupon
    Click Here for Link

    Thursday, March 1, 2012